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223 Closing Time (A+)

223 Closing Time

Doctor: Eleventh Doctor
Companion(s): Craig
Featuring: AlfieAmyRoryRiver
Main enemy: The Cybermen , Cybermats
Main setting: Colchester
1820 April 2011
Writer: Gareth Roberts
Director: Steve Hughes
Producer: Denise Paul

Closing Time saw the return of Craig Owens from series 5, this time as the “official” companion of the story. A huge time gap in the Doctor’s personal timeline is implied to have taken place between this story and the previous. It also saw the return of the Cybermats. Their last televised appearance was in the Fourth Doctor story Revenge of the Cybermen. Further, it answered the question of who is inside the astronaut suit that kills the Doctor at Lake Silencio.

The Eleventh Doctor pays a visit to old friend Craig Owens and they soon find themselves in the middle of a Cybermen invasion.

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