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143c Terror of the Vervoids (A+)

143c Terror of the Vervoids

Doctor: Sixth Doctor
Companion(s): Mel
Featuring: The Inquisitor
Main enemy: The Valeyard
The Vervoids
The Mogarians
Main setting: Time Lord space station
The Hyperion III,2986
Writer: Pip & Jane Baker
Director: Chris Clough
Producer: John Nathan-Turner

In Terror of the Vervoids the distraught Doctor gives the court his evidence for the defense. He chooses an incident from his own future, in which he and his companion Melanie Bush arrive on the space liner Hyperion III in 2986 in response to a distress call. There they battle against and ultimately destroy a hostile race of alien plants, the Vervoids, while also helping to thwart a mutiny by the ship’s security officer, Rudge.

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