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200 Planet of the Dead (A+)

200 Planet of the Dead

Doctor: Tenth Doctor
Companion(s): Christina
Main enemy: Stingrays
Main setting: London and San HeliosEaster2010
Writer: Russell T Davies
Gareth Roberts
Director: James Strong
Producer: Tracie Simpson

Planet of the Dead featured guest star Michelle Ryan as Lady Christina de Souza, who acted as the companion for the episode, continuing the practice of pairing a guest actor with the Doctor during a special. It was also notable for introducing the “he will knock four times” and “something is returning” arcs, something that would come up again in the following story, The Waters of Mars and ultimately conclude in the two-part serial The End of TimeThe most notable point about Planet of the Dead was that it was the two-hundredth Doctor Who story, and as such, the bus featured in the episode was named the 200 to connote the celebration.

When a London bus takes a detour to an alien world, the Tenth Doctormust join forces with the extraordinary Lady Christina. But the mysterious planet holds terrifying secrets and time is running out as the deadly Swarm gets closer…

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